Friday, November 23, 2012


Sarkozy seems to be more of loose cannon than one bargained for

With such chaos, Sarkozy will have tough times ahead. Talking to B&E on the issue, Philip Whyte, an expert on EU politics at Centre for European Reform, said, “He continues with the French tradition of finding scapegoats. He has accused the ‘Polish plumber’, the Chinese currency, Anglo-Saxons – all external scapegoats – for the misery of EU. He is on the verge of being dismissed as a cynic by sensible European leaders.” Tough luck. It is in all probability expected that other EU governments will make sure that the ever more protectionist and populist propositions from Sarkozy are resisted.

An added French objective is to forbid coverlet protection for unlawful immigrants. Italy and Spain have legally recognised hundreds of thousands of black workforce in recent years, effectively changing the black economy into dynamic taxpayers. Even if France is triumphant in forbidding immunity, the migrants will keep pouring in – only they’ll stay put in the black economy, where they are more probably to be subjugated. Sarkozy had hoped that at least one day he could be in the news devoid of Bruni! Voila, his wish seems to have been granted!

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2012.

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