Thursday, February 15, 2007

Opportunity of interacting

Topic: Effective Habits. Effective People. Effective Leadership.

IIPM students had the opportunity of interacting with Dr. Stephen Covey, the most influential non-fiction author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.Stephen Covey’s principle-centered approach was a unique experience for our students. Students gained value in terms of gaining insight into areas such as “integrity”, “character”, and “responsibility”. He presented an overview of his acclaimed SEVEN HABITS of Effective People.

Dr. Covey emphasized on ingenerating in ourselves the foundations for success, effectiveness, and happiness in life . Students gained a perspective on how to achieve goals; instill a positive attitude; create the power to change; manage their own development and most importantly engendering the attitude to win. He also enlightened the students with the importance of passion to achieve excellence.

This was followed by an intense question and answer session where our students gained tremendous value by such close interaction with Dr. Covey. Students, thus got an opportunity to learn from the best and understood the importance of incredible energy to achieve excellence in life.

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