Tuesday, April 25, 2006

MAS is forecasted... (IIPM-News)

On the current course, MAS is forecasted to hit the critical cash balance threshold of 5% of revenue (around $140 million) by April 2006 and touch a negative of $610 million by July 2007! Perhaps MAS should learn the art of mastering operational and financial excellence from Southwest Airlines in the US, which rewrote benchmarks of how to operate economy flights. Unless MAS undertakes radical process and structure re-engineering, flying to heavens could become true literally.

For Complete IIPM-Article, Click IIPM-Press Release

Source IIPM-Editorial,2006

Tuesday, April 18, 2006



Ishiguro was the much-touted favou­rite for the prize, and Banville’s eloquent – at times – heavy, prose has tended to impose on the plot, drama, protagonist and other elements of the tale. And the anticipated soap opera-esque slang­ing matches among mem­bers of the illustrious panel of judges haven’t failed to disappoint.

For Complete IIPM Article, Please Click here

Source IIPM Editorial-2006

Monday, April 17, 2006



The Booker, however, upheld its tradi­tion of being controversy’s favorite child – this time around, oddly, more for those who failed to make it to the final conten­tion list of six – including compelling new novels from four former Booker winners (Adelaide-based J.M. Coetzee, Ishiguro, Ian McEwan and Salman Rushdie) and other pre­vious nominees.

For Complete IIPM Article, Please click

Source: IIPM Editorial-2006

Friday, April 14, 2006

China's Huge and Growing Income Inequalities

Considering China’s huge and growing income inequalities, and its massive disguised rural unemployment, it is easy to imagine a period of political instability that sends investors heading for the exits. Mix in China’s shaky financial system and the prospect of trade sanctions after an altercation over, say, Taiwan, and it is clear that the yuan might not always be a one-way bet. Last but not least, the Chinese authorities desperately need to maintain the country’s breakneck economic growth in order to preserve the Communist Party’s legitimacy. But, as the economy becomes richer and more complex, there will be no escaping the market imperative in internal credit allocation. Every other emerging market, even in Asia, has eventually had to cross this bridge. Indeed, the need to pursue financial liberalization to maintain growth is a central reason why middle-income countries are so prone to financial crises. That’s why Chinese authorities should move to greater flexibility now, and not wait until it is too late. So should we expect to see much bigger currency moves in China anytime soon? Should we ever expect to see wild gyrations in China’s exchange rate of the sort one routinely sees in, say, the Australian dollar or the South African rand? ...

Source: IIPM Editorial

For More Article, Click IIPM-Article

Copyright: IIPM 2006

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Binary Digits (IIPM-Press Centre Article)

Both information and data are measured in terms of binary digits or bits. A single bit can be either on or off , true or false, positive or negative (You see how convenient this is for electrical and magnetic computing devices). A single bit can represent the state of Schrödinger’s famous cat – the bit is 1, if the cat is alive or 0 if dead – or 8 bits can represent the letter S as 01010011.

For Complete-IIPM Article, Click here


Friday, April 07, 2006

Bush is Dishonest!(IIPM Article)

Bush’s close advisor, F. Scott Libby, has been forced to resign after he was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice. His nominee for Supreme Court, Harriet Myers, had to withdraw in ignominy. A November Washington Post-ABC news poll showed 60% Americans now think Bush is dishonest!

For Complete, IIPM Article, Click here


Tuesday, April 04, 2006



“They got bored,” Wang explained, so they bought their own Webcam, which you can find here for as little as $6, used Microsoft Movie Maker, which is free with Windows XP, made their own little three-minute MTV-like podcast, and uploaded it onto Toodou.com.

For Complete IIPM Article, Click here
