Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cellular Phones will necessarily Cause Cancer! How Pathetic that no Government has The Guts to call a Spade a Spade and Take Action

Now, which part of all this is not understandable? To the World Health Organization, perhaps all. The WHO, which has ambivalently maintained that there is no proven connection between cancer and mobile phone usage, commented again in the Children‘s Environmental Health International Initiatives December 2010 newsletter, “We need to get to the bottom of what mobile phones do to our health. The scientific jury is still out on whether those powerful micro-waves may be causing long-term damage. Thousands of studies have already been published on the subject, especially into the links between brain cancer and radiation. Yet, the vast majority have proved inconclusive. The effects are as unclear as a decade ago. But one fact is indisputable. Brain cancer is on the rise among 20- to 29-year-olds.” That is in all probability the most shameful of statements that a global health organization, whose reports are followed by various countries, could give.

It’s sad that not many countries, if any, are following the Austrian mobile phone warning system (where the advice is that “mobiles should only be used briefly during urgent need, and by children, only in extreme emergencies.”). It’s worse that companies like MSNBC are proudly promoting mobile phones for children (‘Best cell phones for children’; featuring Disney Mobile, Verizon Migo, Tictalk and more) on their website.

By the time governments realise the gravity of the situation, it may well be too late. This is the time that governments across the world should come out and firstly – akin to tobacco products – ban the usage of cellular phones by children, and secondly force the cellular phone companies to print statutory health warnings on cellular phone handsets. That is the most logical step forward in today’s times of instant connectivity.