It may be recalled that even after the BJP had expelled Uma Bharti, the RSS continued to support her. The RSS mouthpiece ‘Organiser’ had also attacked the BJP leadership over her expulsion. She was arguably the party's most charismatic backward caste face. Uma has been associated with the RSS and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) since her childhood before coming into the BJP fold. She was a gifted child preacher who was groomed by the Parivar. And since the BJP's inception in 1980, Uma had been a loyal soldier of the party.
On being asked if RSS was pushing the BJP to re-induct Uma Bharti, RSS spokesperson Mohan Vaidya completely denied this and said, “This is a party matter. The BJP will decide. They will do whatever they think is good for the party.”
Soon after appearing on the national scene in the early 1990s, the BJP began a project to build a strong backward caste leadership with the help of K. Govindacharya, Kalyan Singh and Uma Bharti but after their departure, BJP had started to look like a party of floating leaders without a mass base. According to sources, the party is planning to re-induct many stalwarts like Babulal Marandi and Govindacharya as well. As a senior leader says, “Govindacharya’s departure had been extremely costly for the BJP. The former was one of the key strategists of the party.”
According to one faction of the divided party, differences related to Uma Bharti’s re-induction have been solved but the other side is still opposed to the move. But the opposition notwithstanding, the fact remains that Uma Bharti has the strong backing of a section of the RSS. Her re-induction cannot be ruled out. Sources say that the announcement to launch Uma Bharti as the face of the BJP in Uttar Pradesh will be made very shortly.
On being asked if RSS was pushing the BJP to re-induct Uma Bharti, RSS spokesperson Mohan Vaidya completely denied this and said, “This is a party matter. The BJP will decide. They will do whatever they think is good for the party.”
Soon after appearing on the national scene in the early 1990s, the BJP began a project to build a strong backward caste leadership with the help of K. Govindacharya, Kalyan Singh and Uma Bharti but after their departure, BJP had started to look like a party of floating leaders without a mass base. According to sources, the party is planning to re-induct many stalwarts like Babulal Marandi and Govindacharya as well. As a senior leader says, “Govindacharya’s departure had been extremely costly for the BJP. The former was one of the key strategists of the party.”
According to one faction of the divided party, differences related to Uma Bharti’s re-induction have been solved but the other side is still opposed to the move. But the opposition notwithstanding, the fact remains that Uma Bharti has the strong backing of a section of the RSS. Her re-induction cannot be ruled out. Sources say that the announcement to launch Uma Bharti as the face of the BJP in Uttar Pradesh will be made very shortly.
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